OneCNC Beneleux, Hurco GmbH and Hagro Precise BV invite you to attend a OneCNC Seminar.

OneCNC Beneleux, Hurco GmbH and Hagro Precise BV invite you to attend OneCNC a seminar. This seminar will be explaining the benefits and use of the new HS strategy for milling and demonstrated on Hurco machines with tooling from Hagro Precision BV.

For pre-milling or rough machining, it is important to remove as much material as possible in the shortest possible time. This seminar will be demonstrating the high milling Material Removal Rate (MRR) using maximum machining efficiency with reduced machine time. The demonstration will show this high material removal rate can be obtained while maintaining part quality and longevity of the machine and extending the tool life of tools. 

Additionally OneCNC Benelux will show in more detail the advantages of CAM programming, which will show the simplicity of using this advanced technology as well as reducing your programming time.

July 3, 2014 from 12:30 to 17:00 hours.

Where is the seminar being held? 
In Schaijk where Hagro Precision Ltd have a well-equipped demonstration room and facilities to demonstrate how using CAD-CAM and a CNC machining centre can improve your efficiency and profitability.

Click here to register for this event: